Pregnancy Information, 8th month pregnancy, getting pregnant, pregnancy facts, pregnancy Symptoms
The crucial time for a mom to be, this week, your baby measures about 16 inches long. He weighs a little over 3 pounds and is headed for a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and he's beginning to accumulate a layer of fat underneath his skin in preparation for life as a newborn. As a result, his arms, legs, and body are filling out. She has very tiny toe nails and her fingernails have grown in, too. Some babies have a head of hair already; others have only peach fuzz.

Tips How To Take Care of Your Baby in 8th Month

  • If you're having trouble sleeping at night, try wedging a pillow between your legs and behind your back.
  • If frequent trips to the bathroom are robbing you of your zz's, cut back on fluids by late afternoon or evening.
  • You may be feeling a little fatigued lately, and that's perfectly understandable.
  • If you have to spend a lot of time on your feet, try wearing a maternity belt that supports your abdomen and helps redistribute some of the weight.
  • Many midwives recommend massaging the perineum (the area around your vagina) to help prevent tearing during childbirth. This is a good time to start, though not everyone is comfortable with this technique and it may not help in every case. You can learn how to do it here.
  • You may notice itchy red bumps or welts on your belly (they might even spread to your thighs and buttocks).


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Trying to get pregnant after miscarriage can be scary and confusing. When can you try again? What are your chances of success? What are the causes of miscarriage?

A miscarriage can be devastating. There's a feeling that somehow what happened was your fault, that something you did may have triggered the loss - exercise, a minor fall, sexual intercourse. This is rarely the case. Some women also worry that a previous abortion has affected them and may have caused their miscarriage, but there's no evidence to back this up either.

Research suggests that Miscarriages are surprisingly common occurrences. Up to 25% of women will experience at least one miscarriage during their childbearing years. Some women will experience more than one miscarriage in their lifetime. Up to 50% of pregnancies are actually thought to end in miscarriage, however, many of these pregnancy losses occur before the woman even knows she is pregnant. The risk of miscarriage increases as you age, with women over the age of 40 having a 30% chance of experiencing a miscarriage.

Symptoms of Miscarriage

If you are pregnant, it is important that you be able to identify the signs of a miscarriage. If you think that you are having a miscarriage, contact your health care provider or local hospital right away. Symptoms of a miscarriage include:

* Vaginal Bleeding That Doesn't Stop Within A Few Days
* Abdominal Cramping
* Lower Backache
* Heavy Bleeding Accompanied By Blood Clots Or Tissue

It is important to understand that many pregnant women experience slight bleeding during their pregnancies. Bleeding is often a normal occurrence and doesn't always signal a miscarriage. To be on the safe side though, inform your health care provider of any type of vaginal bleeding during your pregnancy.

Causes of Miscarriage

Unfortunately, many women experience miscarriages for which there are no explanations. It is often difficult to determine the cause of a miscarriage, especially if it occurs during the first trimester. Your health care provider will examine your fetal tissue in order to try to determine why your baby was miscarried. Sometimes, reasons for a miscarriage can be determined after careful examination.


Are U 5 Weeks Pregnant

Posted In: . By Sandhya

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Congratulations, until now, the embryo has been a mass of cells, but by this point in your pregnancy a distinct shape begins to form. The neural tube, which will eventually form into the spinal cord and brain, runs from the top to the bottom of the embryo. A bulge in the center of the embryo will develop into your baby's heart. At this time, the placenta develops. It is through the placenta and its fingerlike projections, called chorionic villi, that an embryo receives nourishment from its mother

Food That U Should Avoid During This Period

* Soft Cheeses Such As Feta, Goat, Brie, Camembert, And Blue Cheese
* Unpasteurized Milk And Juices
* Raw Or Undercooked Meats, Including Hot Dogs And Deli Meats
* Raw Eggs Or Foods Containing Raw Eggs, Including Mousse And Tiramisu
* Raw Shellfish
* Paté

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The journey of a baby from uterus to the outside world is a dangerous journey. The skull has to mould to facilitate passage through the pelvis and there may be cephalo-pelvic disproportion (CPD). Malposition increases risk whilst malpresentation demands caesarian section. Contractions tax the reserve of the placenta. The lungs and circulation undergo great changes. Difficulties in delivery may compound the situation. Delivery may need to be expedited because of fetal distress.

Injuries may be caused by a combination of mechanical trauma and hypoxia but this article will concentrate on mechanical injuries.

Birth injuries may be minor and transient but they can produce serious and permanent effect as well as being fatal. It used to be assumed that most cases of cerebral palsy were due to obstetric mismanagement but nowadays the figure for those caused by obstetric trauma is put at around 5%.

The Factors That Increases The Risk Factors of Skull Injuries During Pregnancy

* The size of baby especially if weighing more than 4,500g
* Instrumental delivery, especially midcavity forceps or ventouse delivery for deep transverse arrest
* Breech delivery.
* A premature baby has a small head and incompletely formed skull and precipitate delivery can cause "champagne cork popping", risking intracranial haemorrhage.
* Shoulder dystocia
* A skilled midwife or obstetrician will reduce the risk
* Cephalopelvic disproportion


These are some of the hideous facts about tenage pregnancy that we can not ignore in present day scenario. So we have to keep the following information in mind.
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  • Each year the federal government alone spends $40 billion to help families that began with a teenage birth.
  • Nearly 80% of unmarried teen mothers end up on welfare.
  • The sons of teenage mothers are 13% more likely to end up in prison, the daughters are 22 % more likely to become teen mothers themselves.
  • 3 in 10 girls will experience at least one pregnancy before reaching age 20.
  • Only 41% of teenage mothers graduate from high school and only 1.5% will earn a college degree by age 30.
  • Nearly 80% of fathers of babies born to teen mothers do not marry their babies mothers.


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This time let us discuss about "Teenage pregnancy" where a teenage or underage girl, usually within the ages of 13-19, becoming pregnant. The birth rates have gone up and down over the last 50 years . Do You know what is the present scenario of teenage birth rates today? The statistics point to a downward trend, which hopefully can be continued in the coming years.

Researchers are pointing towards teenage pregnancy prevention programs, contraception availability and just overall more sex education and unsafe sex to the drop in numbers. The United States still has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies when compared to other counties of similar status.

Teenagers who have babies are more likely to not finish high school and have their future plans interrupted. This leads to less income and more people in poverty.

Babies Born to Teenage Mothers

  • Babies born to teenage mothers are less likely to receive proper nutrition, health care, and cognitive and social stimulation. As a result, they may have an underdeveloped intellect and attain lower academic achievement.
  • Baby Girls born to teenage mothers are 22% more likely to become teenage mothers.
  • Babies born to teenage mothers are at greater risk for abuse and neglect.
  • Baby Boys born to teenage mothers are 13% more likely to be incarcerated.


Follow This CheckList If You Want To Detect Your Pregnancy

The Very First Step to detect your pregnancy is home test, be sure to do a home pregnancy test then have a pregnancy test done at your doctor's office. Pregnancy Symptoms allways vary from person to person, in their intensity, frequency and duration. Consider these early symptoms of pregnancy, which may begin in the first few weeks after conception.

1. Mood swings
2. Nausea with or without vomiting- Morning Sickness
3. Breast tenderness
4. Missed Periods
5. Frequent Urination
6. Dizziness/ Fainting
7. Sensitivity towards aroma
8. Constipiation/ Head Burn/ Heart Sink
9. High Body Temperature
10. Back Pain
11. Weight Gain

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