No one in this universe can guarantee to deliver a baby without the risk for barin injury during birth that can happen because of following
• Prolonged Labor
• Prematurity - delivery before 37 weeks
• Large birthweight - eight pounds, 13 ounces or more • Size of maternal pelvis
• Abnormal presentation - breech delivery
Ways that birth can injure the baby's brain
1. Skull Injury: A baby's skull is soft and the bones are not firmly fused. That means that if anything compresses the skull, it can damage the brain. This could be done by: • The force of labor contractions against the skull - which would usually not cause lasting damage. But sometimes the scalp is bruised and the associated swelling can cause brain injury • Too strong a use of forceps - which can compress the skull and cause lasting brain injury
2. Lack of oxygen :Insufficient oxygen to the baby's brain for too long a period will cause permanent brain injury. Ways this can happen are: • The baby does not get enough oxygen in between contractions to last for the duration of contractions, when oxygen stops flowing through the placenta. • The baby is born prematurely with inadequately developed lungs. Therefore when it takes the first breath after birth, it is immediately in Respiratory Distress Syndrome. This can be treated with an artificial surfactant to substitute for the baby's missing natural surfactant in the lungs. It's a foamy substance that lowers surface tension inside the tiny lung air sacs and keeps them from collapsing. But if it is not done quickly, the brain can be deprived of oxygen too long and sustain injury.
• Fetal distress: during birth was not noticed. If no fetal monitoring is done of the baby's heart rate, the delivery room staff may not know it is getting insufficient oxygen. A baby with fetal distress should be immediately be given a C-section. • Placental abruption - the placenta separates from the uterine wall, therefore being cut off from the mother's blood circulation. This lowers the baby's blood circulation. • Cord prolapse - the umbilical cord becomes pinched during birth, cutting off the baby's supply of oxygen
All these situations need swift intervention to prevent brain injury to the baby.
4. Cerebral palsy :This is a name for a cluster of results of brain injury during birth. They are permanent conditions of disordered physical movement, posture and balance. The impairment becomes evident in infancy, as the child is slow to learn how to sit, crawl and walk. Each case is individual. There may be seizures, breathing problems, bladder control problems, dental problems, and many more, and they can range from mild to very severe.
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